Demographics & Statistics

Demography of Rajasthan

Rajasthan has a total population of 68,548,437 people, according to the 2011 Indian Census. The population increased by 21.2 percent from 56.5 million in 2001. Males outnumbered females in 2011, with a gender ratio of 0.928 females for every one male. In Rajasthan in 2011, 45.57 percent of workers were cultivators, 17.53 percent were farm labourers, and 2.41 percent worked in the household industry. In terms of religion, Hindus account for 88.49 percent of the population in Rajasthan. Muslims make up 9.07 percent of the population, Sikhs 1.27 percent, and Jains 0.91 percent. Rajasthan's literacy rate was 67.06 percent (80.51 percent male and 52.66 percent female). While Rajasthan's literacy rate is lower than the national average of 74.04 percent, and its female literacy rate is the lowest in the world, the state has been lauded for its efforts and accomplishments in increasing literacy rates. The literacy rate in Rajasthan's rural areas is 76.16 percent for males and 45.8 percent for females.

State Population over the Decades
Population of Districts
Urban-Rural Population
Male-female population
Male-Female Urban-Rural Population Division

Demography Statistics

Metric Unit of Measurement Reference Year Rajasthan India Source
Population Persone 2011 68621012 121019342 Census
Population Density Per square km. 2011 200 382 Census
Urban Population to total population Percentage 2011 24.9 31.16 Census
Sex Ratio Females per 1000 Males 2011 928 943 Census
Child Sex Ratio Child Female per 1000 Child Male 2011 888 919 Census
Birth Rate Number of live births per 1000 persons 2018 24 20 SRS Bulletin
Death Rate Number of deaths per 1000 persons 2018 6.2 5.9 SRS Bulletin
Fertility Rate Live births per women 2016 2.7 2.3 NITI Aayog
Infant Mortality Rate Per 1000 births 2016 41 34 NITI Aayog
Maternal Mortality Rate Per 100000 live births 2014-2016 388 254 NITI Aayog
Life expectancy (at birth) Years 2010-2014 67.7 67.9 NITI Aayog
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